Handheld Devices

Engineered for ensuring safety and reliability in extreme situations.

Handhelds are portable communication devices used for wireless communication between individuals. 

Our devices are  ruggedized  and use WiFi, Tetra, or Private LTE connections, and are  designed specifically for extreme conditions.  We can also deliver ATEX compliance devices. 

Handheld devices use the Wireless Communication and Messaging System (WCMS) to enable seamless and effective communication during critical situations.
The interface for end users is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, resembling a phone-like interface. Our system runs on an special Android OS system with only  special Linux drivers for the components which will be used. For example we delete the GSM and GPS drivers because they are not used when you work on a Wifi network. All developments are done by The IP Company. reduce the  power consumption.

Handheld devices

Ruggedized Handhelds

Designed to withstand harsh environments and may use WiFi, Tetra, or Private LTE connections/networks.

ATEX-Compliant Handhelds

Specifically engineered for extreme situations, ensuring safety and reliability in hazardous conditions.

Modified Handhelds

We provide modified handhelds from leading providers such as Gen2Wave, tailored to integrate seamlessly with our system and meet the specific needs of users.


The headsets are tuned to simulate face-to-face conversations and use ultra-noise-cancelling microphones for clear communication.
We offer different kind of high-quality military headsets.

How It Works

Handhelds function as seamlessly integrated endpoints within the WCMS. 

  1. Our secure login procedure requires users to log in with their NFC card and a unique code.
  2. Based on their credentials and role, they receive the appropriate applications on their device.
  3. Once logged in, they can receive messages and calls.
  4. This system ensures that user data remains protected and accessible only during their active session.
  5. All data is removed when they log out or lose the connection with the Network